About our programs
Afro-Mentorship Initiative is a culturally responsive program that meets the social-emotional needs of children by increasing their cultural wellness. We create safe spaces where mentees can begin to engage in effective dialogue and creative activities, which include Afrocentric dance. Here they can begin to address issues that are continuously experienced within early-and-middle childhood such as low self-esteem, body shaming, bullying which results in anxiety and depression.
We also equip our mentees with the tools and resources to increase culturally focused education and awareness around issues pertaining to our African-Canadian communities. In doing so, we build cultural trust and recognition. We also work to bridge the gap between Black and non-black communities through partnerships and collaborations.
From the footsteps of our ancestors
Culturally Appropriate Coping Skills:
Through structured dialogue and creative activities, your child will begin to gain the skills and experience to lead in a way that values who they truly are. Our program ensures our mentees are learning culturally and racially appropriate coping skills which help each participant develop a positive ethnic identity. One way we seek to accomplish these goals is through Mentor-Mentee relationships.
The primary goals of our mentors are:
1. Educate, Encourage, and Inspire
2. Provide care and attention to our mentees
3. Monitor behaviours, resolve conflict, help mentees process emotions
4. Work alongside mentees within activities